Monday, June 22, 2009

Pool Closures & Updates


Since pools are effected differently than most recreational facilities, there are sometimes a need to close the pool in severe weather. For an example, in addition to power outages being dangerous when people are in an indoor pool, lightning can also be a significant risk. Even in indoor pool settings water attracts lightning which can pass through glass windows surrounding the pool area. For this reason if a lightning storm lasts longer than 30 min, we might be forced to close the facilities until further notice. We will try to keep you updated as much as possible on this blog site, however since the safety of our patrons as well as staff is our first priority and therefore may not allow enough time to get a notice out there. It is recommended that when in doubt call the facility when there is bad weather to verify if we are open. Thanks for your patience and have a safe time at our pool.

Our pool is a fun and safe environment for all ages. In order for us to continue to provide excellent service, it is important for us to keep our lifeguard staff trained and our pool maintained. Therefore from time to time we have closures to enable repairs when needed as well as staff training. We appreciate your patience.

Below are some up coming closures and changes.

Mark The 2011 Dates:

Pool Closures: 5/30, 7/4, 9/5, 9/9, 10/10, 11/24-11/27

*Please note that all dates are subject to change